The Phases
  • Phase Α: Share your idea

    At this stage, you are invited to apply by filling in the relevant application form. In addition to the contact details and skills/knowledge of the team, information about your business idea should be provided.

    The aim of this phase is to understand what is the problem that the solution responds to αnd your concrete needs based on the challenges of the Programme.

  • Phase Β: Design your proposal

    Present your idea and receive important feedback from specialized executives to improve and formulate your business idea to best respond to the needs of the market.

    In this phase, you are invited to define the key elements of your business model by developing a first version of your proposal. You will take part in meetings (pivoting workshop) with Kaizen Gaming experts who will provide you with targeted feedback to improve/adapt your business model.

    At the end of this phase, you will be invited to participate in a special event (pitching event) to present your business proposal to the Program's evaluation committee, which will assess how complete and feasible your solution is and select the teams that will qualify for the next Phase.

  • Phase C: Validate your idea & Develop your pilot project

    Design the implementation plan of your business idea and get support for the development of the pilot execution in a real context.

    In this phase, you are invited to validate the Proof of Concept (within 2-3 months) you have presented by testing it in a real environment. In this context, you will take part in the final pitching event of the Program where the evaluation committee will decide on the basis of specific criteria which teams will be awarded. The aim is to decide, based on the results of the pilot, whether the product/service in its current version meets the needs of the organization and its partners.